Researcher - Database of Public Art Practices in Lebanon, Beirut
Produced by TAP Temporary Art Platform
Born out of a 2015 research project, the database is a comprehensive archive of public art projects that have taken place in Lebanon from 1980 to present day. Projects listed range from public sculpture to participatory art with over 400 entries classified and tagged according to type and temporality. The process of this research and categorization opened up a discourse around what it means to practice art in public and how these practices are archived, collected, and preserved.
The aim from this database is to be the starting point for more discursive and analytical conversations and cross-disciplinary research on cultural policies, artistic practices, and the public realm as a social framework. What does it mean to practice art outside, in the presence of people, in collaboration with communities, and in response to a certain socio-political climate? And while we offer no definitive answer to this, we hope that our repository of information serves both as a virtual time-traveling museum and an important source of information for further research projects and knowledge production.
Data base is fully accesssible here